I fell in love with Bee, then called Jane, on the SPCR website in fall 2014. She was a sweet 4 month old half-aby kitten, who loved to play but was so quiet and shy- when I went to pick her up, her foster mom warned me that she’d open her mouth to meow but no sound would come out, and that she was afraid of new people coming into any room. For the first week or two, she was totally silent, except for her loud and constant purr. Then one day at 3 am, I woke to her climbing straight into my lap, meowing up a storm! It just took her a while to find her courage- now she LOVES to talk, and has long conversations with us all the time. She still purrs like a motorboat, especially for bellyrubs.
Marten (then MJ) was a 3 year old burmese in the same foster home, and he was so playful and loving when we went to pick up Bee that we ended up adopting two cats instead of one- it was a great decision! He’s a big personality in a tiny package, and will flop trustingly into the lap of any person he meets. He especially loves Bee, and really helped her come out of her shell- even now that she’s grown up to be nearly twice his size, he thinks she’s a little kitten, always trying to be the big spoon and washing her ears. They’ve been partners in crime for four years now, still going strong. They’re both doing great, and I’m very glad I got the chance to adopt them!