A Bonded Pair, Almost Separated until Fate Intervened
The year 2015 was a terrible one for us. We lost our two beloved kitties, Teddie and Master P. Though we swore we would never again adopt, by December of 2015, we found ourselves perusing the Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue site.
We found many lovely cats, but there was one pair, Christopher and Susie, who were 6 years and 4 years respectively, and they were a bonded. We watched the YouTube video, and we learned their story. We both knew that they would be difficult to place together. So, while we were on our Christmas vacation, visiting family, we submitted our application. We took a very long route home so we could pick them up and bring them home with us.
While picking them up from their foster family, we found out that they were almost separated. After seeing them together for over a year, that would have been a tragedy.
Christopher (Chris-da-pur) and Susie (Zu Zu) are the sweetest, most loving cats that we have ever encountered. We are so lucky they have allowed us to be in their inner circle!
– Gretchen and Herb
