MARLOW is a female DILUTE CALICO PERSIAN. She is spayed and has all of her claws. She is 3 years old and up to date on shots, FIV/FeLV negative, and is microchipped. She has perfect litter box habits as well.
Marlow came from a home that was unable to care for her any longer. She was well loved and enjoys human interaction. She is a very tiny gal at 4.5 lbs. She is a very sociable gal who loves to play with wand toys. She is laid back and will seek her humans out for attention when they are sitting nearby. She can be independent, but also loves to see what is going on as well.
Being a typical Persian, she will need her eyes wiped on a daily basis. She will also require grooming for her cottony coat. She will either need to be brushed or shaved down into a lion cut. She eats mostly wet food and doesn’t seem to care for dry food, so someone will need to be committed to feeding her a wet food diet.
She did come in with her brother, so other cats are fine as long as they are respectful of her space and given a proper introduction. Additionally, she really is not looking for a wrestling buddy and needs someone who will respect her space given her small stature. Marlow has been exposed to the resident dog and has also lived with dogs previously. Dogs are also fine as long as they will ignore her. Kids 8+ would be best as she does well with kids, but young children/toddlers would be too unpredictable for her.