
Blueberry is a male BLUE MITTED WITH A BLAZE RAGDOLL.  He is 5 years old, neutered and has his claws. He is up to date on shots, FIV/FeLV negative, and is microchipped. He has great litter box habits as well.

Blueberry was taken in by someone when his person passed away. He is an extremely sweet boy. He takes some time to warm up and isn’t initially sure about new folks, but once he realizes you are there to give him pets and love he is all about it! He is a typical ragdoll where you can hold him like a baby and he likes to show off his belly by rolling around on the floor. He loves to rub up on his people for attention. He enjoys laying on the bed next to his human as well.

He has been rooming with another kitty and does well. He absolutely does not like dogs and made it clear to his foster mom that that would not work for him. He has been kid tested and school aged children would likely be fine if they are respectful.

This boy is super handsome and is the total package! He just wants a home where he can unwind and be your sidekick.


Quick Info

  • Color: Blue Mitted
  • Breed: Ragdoll
  • Age: 5 years
  • Male
  • Has Claws
  • Adoption Fee: $400
  • Location: Louisville, TN
  • Good with Cats

  • Good with Kids (school aged or older)

  • No Dogs