You don’t have to donate cash to aid our cats – though that is always appreciated!
Here are some other suggestions that will benefit the cats and the foster homes who do care for them.

We are linked with iGive which donates a percentage of online sales from major businesses to registered causes. You can do this by going to and we could receive as much as 26% of your purchase!

Every time you search the Internet through GoodSearch, you’ll be earning money for us. Type Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue into the “I support” box and click on “Verify.”

Through eBay for Charity you can support SPCR by buying and selling on eBay.

Purchase the 2023 SPCR Calendar! Each year one of our fans puts together a calendar featuring SPCR cats past and present.  The calendar is available for purchase and a portion of the sales benefits the rescue.

You can help SPCR while walking your dog by downloading the Walk for a Dog App and naming us as your charity.  Then use the app whenever you walk (with or without a dog) and SPCR will receive a donation based on how much and often you walk.

We also welcome donations of cat furniture, food, toys, and other items directly to our foster homes.

Show Your Generosity At These Events

Cats of Wisconsin Cat Show

April 5 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Spring Auction

April 22 - April 26

“If there were to be a universal sound depicting peace, I would surely vote for the purr” – Barbara L Diamond