
CHESTER is a male RED AND WHITE MUNCHKIN. He is neutered and has all of his claws. He is 1 years old and up to date on shots, FIV/FeLV negative, and is microchipped. He has perfect litter box habits as well.

Chester came in from a good samaritan when he was being displaced from his home. He has taken a few weeks to really warm up and show us who he really is, but is a very sweet guy! He will need someone willing to sit with him and give him lots of love and play time to help him warm up. He does like to check out what his foster parents are doing while in the room and he hopes it involves wand toys!

This lad loves to play with his mousey wand toy. His little legs run so quickly to catch it! He loves any kind of wand toy or laser that he can chase. He also has warmed up quite a bit to his foster mama and has decided pets and being snuggled is a great thing and he has a purr motor going all of the time.

Chester may need an occasional brushing to make sure that his coat does not mat. He eats both dry and wet food.

Chester would do best in a quiet adult only home, so not kids please as loud noises can be a lot for him. He is rooming with other fosters and does fine with them given proper introductions. He was also introduced to the resident collie and was a little hesitant, but was able to keep playing with his toys from a distance. He would likely do fine with a dog that would ignore him.


Quick Info

  • Color: Red and White
  • Breed: Munchkin
  • Age: 1 year
  • Male
  • Has Claws
  • Adoption Fee: $350
  • Location: Louisville, TN
  • Good with Cats

  • Good with Calm Dogs

  • No Kids