STAR is a 14 year old female LILAC LYNX POINT BALINESE. She is spayed and has all of her claws. She is up to date on shots, FIV/FeLV negative, and is microchipped. She has had senior bloodwork as well.
Star is currently on blood pressure medication that is given once per day as well prednisone that is given once per day as she had a mystery skin issue for quite some time, which has been determined to be some sort of environmental allergy. Prednisone has completely cleared her skin and also helps her asthma cough at bay. She has no further treatment needed for asthma beyond the prednisone. Star was also determined to have a low grade heart murmur, but the vet has said in the 1.5 years she has been with her foster mom that the murmur has been the same and honestly may cause her no issue as it hasn’t this far. All other blood work shows everything looks really good.
This poor lamb came to us from a not so great situation where she likely lived in a cage all or most of her life, which was absolutely heartbreaking. She was scared to have a human touch her and flinch every time that someone went to touch her, but has always been SO sweet. She has come SUCH a long way since being in care. She now loves to be pet and will purr for you with delight. It has been amazing to see her transformation to actually enjoy human company and realize that all humans are not bad. She even likes to chat a lot with you when you pet her.
She does completely fine with dogs that ignore her. High energy or young dogs would not work as she prefers not to be overly bothered. An easygoing cat that will leave her be would be best as she does not care for attention from other cats, but will tolerate them just fine as long as they respect her boundaries. She would quite honestly do really well as an only cat as well. Absolutely no young children as that would be too much for her, but teenagers would likely be ok.
This beauty has the most captivating blue eyes. They really are the deepest blue her foster mom has ever seen!
She really deserves a home where she can have consistency and the attention she deserves on a daily basis. She is looking for a retirement home where she can continue to have a window to look out of and a cat tree to sleep in for the rest of her golden years. Star really is NOT a high maintenance cat and will be as independent as you want her to be. She really is a special cat.